Home Manuals and Intro English Manuals Total War - Keep

PostHeaderIcon Total War Combat System for Second Life - Keep


Keep kit is one of the most interesting features we introduce with the Total War Battle System. A keep does not come as a full keep with walls, towers, ecc... but it comes in a kit containing only the scripted elements needed to interact with the total war syste. In a few words after opening the kit you'll get 6 items:
1 keep gate
1 keep door
1 keep relic
3 keep flagpoles

You must use these elements in your own designed castle/keep building. So build up your structure then place external gate, inner door, flagpoles ecc... in that building, and at the end put the keep relic in a central and well defended room. Keep relic is the main keep control, is the item you should touch when conquering the keep, so rez it in a safe but reachable area. Placing the keep relic in a hidden or closed room is somewhat lame and completly useless for the game because the keep cannot be taken.

Once the keep control is placed it asks you to enter a name for the keep itself.  It's a unique name, shown as a floating text on the keep relic, and visible in the "clan facilities" section in Tokuno Wind web site.

Keeps have been designed for Total War battle system only, you can't damage doors or gates and you cannot take the keep if you're not a Total War player. Also we strongly recomend you to be a Total War clan member to experience a full experience (you can get a shrine and make your own clan if you wish). It's true you can always use a keep kit, even if you're not in a clan, but it will become a Ghost castle, and can be taken by any Total War clan, even if there's no active war.


To conquer a keep an enemy clan has to destroy your keep's gate then the door, and double click the relic inside.


Keep Gate

Keep gate is the keep main entrance. The gate opens when clicked by a member of the owning clan and stays open for some seconds. The gate's life is shown as a floating text. When the gate gets hit the life goes down and once life hits zero the gate brakes down and stays open for 15 minutes . After this time the gate close itself again respawning with half life. While the gate is damaged it can be repaired by having a player standing in one of the side green circles.

Keep Door

Keep door is the last defense of the keep relic. The door opens when clicked by a member of the owning clan and stays open for some seconds. The door's life is shown as a floating text. When the door gets hit the life goes down and once life hits zero it brakes down and stays open for 15 minutes . After this time the door close itself again respawning with half life. While the door is damaged its life rises by 1 point any some seconds.

Keep Flagpoles

Flagpoles fly the keep owner flag everytime it's rezzed or a keep is taken or the clan banner is changed. To change your clan banner simply put a new texture into your clan's shrine, if no banner has been set the default Tokuno Wind banner is displayed.
It's very exciting stairing at your clan flag waving high over a keep tower.

Keep Relic

Keep relic is the keep's hearth,  when double clicked displays a menu with some options:

  • CHANGE NAME :  changes the keep name (only visible by the Keep owner).
  • CLAN RESET : reset keep ownership. It reverts keep ownership back to keep owner's clan (only visible by the Keep owner).
  • GATE : opens the gate, click again to close it. (visible by any member of the clan the keep belongs to).
  • DOOR :opens the door, click again to close it. (visible by any member of the clan the keep belongs to).


Last Updated (Monday, 04 January 2010 01:16)

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