Clans can be managed through a web interface. Only clan leader can access that interface, by two different ways:

  1. By one of your clan's shrine control panel, choosing "Manage Clan" option, after confirming the browser opening you will be driven to your clan info directly.
  2. By our website upon login. Follow the "Clans" link inside the "Total War" menu and choose your own clan. If you're clan leader you will see the management options in the lower part of the clan information page.

Once inside information page you'll be able to choose between several option, from up to down you get:


Foundation date: The date when the clan has been founded

Clan leader: The clan leader name, in real time

Total members: The number of mebers currently in the clan

Scenario: The scenario the clan is playing on. Scenarios are maps where some clan can play together without any interference from other clans. Basically scenarios are roleplaying themed maps, we have a scenario for ancient asian clans, for ancient mediterranean environment, and much more are incoming. When inside a scenario your clan can only declare or be declared war from clans joining the same scenario, except if you have the "Total War" status enable or your alliance is in war with clans from other scenarios. Default starting scenario is "Pangea", but we kindly suggest to change scenario as soon as possible.

Scenario description: A scenario description.

Total War Status: If enable your clan will be able to declare war to other clans with Total War Status enable, if disable your clan warfare will only be limited to your scenario and your alliance active wars. Default is "Disable".

Alliance name: If you're member of an alliance then you'll see this information.

Alliance Tag: If you're member of an alliance then you'll see this information. The TAG will appear over alliance member's head in game.

CLAN OPTIONS (Members and wars management)

View clan members (Members management): Click this link to see a list of all the clan members. Click the member's name to see member's detailed info page, if you're clan leader you will have access to "Member Management" options, you'll be able to send him a message (in game by istant message), set his title (visible over head in game), make him the new clan leader or kick him from the clan. To accept new clan members refer to the link "Grant Membership" in the "Clan Management" section.

View Clan Facility: A list of all clan's structure, like shrines, keep, ecc... Click on the structure name to see detailed info. Only structures who have been online in the last 24 hours can be viewed in this list

War Room (War Management): Your military campaigns are managed in this section. Click this link to access a list of clan you're in war with, if you click the clan name in this list you are able to view some clan's info, and in the lower part of the page you find the option to declare peace and stop the war with this clan. Going back to the War Room, if you're clan leader, you can find two options in the lower page, a section called "Campaign Management", where you find "Declare new war" and "Accept new war". "Declare new war" brings you to a clan list eligible for war declaration, only clan in the same scenario or with "Total War" enable (if you have your own Total War status set to active) can be declared war on, but remember a declared war should be accepted by the enemy clan leader to become effective. "Accept new war" allows you to accept wars declared on you by other clans, simply go to the clan row and on the right end column you see "Accept", clicking clan name brings you instead to the clan information page.

CLAN MANAGEMENT (New Members, messages, alliance and scenarios)

Only clan leader can view this section, while it's hidden for any other player.

Send Message to Clan: Allows the clan leader to send a message to all clan members. The message is delivered in game by istant message and buffered to be delivered later if the member isn't online. A slight delay of a few seconds can occur between the message sending and its delivery.

Grant Membership: Allow the clan leader to accept new members. Following this link you'll see a list of sponsored members willing to join your clan. In the end right column you'll find "Accept" or "Reject" for each member, choose the appropriate action to accept or reject his membership. Member must apply for membership ingame by using the shrine's control panel, choosing "Apply Clan".

Create New Alliance: If you didn't join or create any alliance you see the option "Create New Alliance" to create a brand new alliance and you'll be promped for alliance name (max 50 chars, letters numbers or spaces) and alliance TAG (max 3 digits, letters numbers or spaces). Be informed that offending names can be deleted at any moment by Total War admins.

Join Existing Alliance: This option is available only if you're not in any alliance. If you wish to join an existing alliance click this link, and go to the available alliance list. Basically you'll be able to see any alliance in the game, because alliance are scenarios crossing, and not mechanically linked to scenarios. It's part of the alliance policy to accept or not other scenarios clans. This is because we think alliance could be used as a way to bring clans from different scenarios in controlled cross scenarios war, a middle way between scenario warfare and total war. Alliances are also intended to give roleplaying clans some more depth and roleplaying options. Watch out, when you join an alliance all clan members wars become your own wars, and not only morally, but they're added to your war list, so choose your alliance wisely.

Alliance: If you're joined to any alliance then you're able to see this link. Follow it and you see the alliance information, clan members, clan numbers, total members, general info ecc... You can see a section below the info, called "Alliance Management". In this section you find some management options, you can send messages to clan leader or to whole alliance, you can grant membership to other applying clans, or you you can leave your alliance or kick other clans from the alliance. Watch out, all clan leaders in the alliance have the same privileges and ranks, so any clan leader can kick or accept applying members or can kick other clans from the alliance, so accept your applying clans wisely. Once all clans are kicked or resign from the alliance, the alliance disappear.

Change Scenario: We already gave a small scenario description, basically scenario maps are little worlds where all clan's structures appear, together with clan name and alliance. Structures are located in regions, each region get the real region name where the structure itself is located. Each region can have different structures owned by different clans in it. With the scenario option you can change your clan scenario. By default any new clan plays Pangea scenario, this is not a real scenario since it has no map. Once a clan leader understands how scenario system works we kindly suggest him to change the clan scenario to the appropriate roleplaying background, check "Scenarios" link under Total War section for a full overview of available scenarios. Watch out, when you change your scenario all clan's structures change scenario map, with the only exception of keeps, keeps owned by the clan will change scenario together with other clan's structures, while if the keep itself has been conquered and belongs to other clans it stays in the old scenario, following that clan, even if keep's owner is a clan member. For example: Keep A has a owner in clan A and keep B belongs to clan B, clan B captures keep A, then clan A changes scenario, what we have are keep A and keep B still in the old scenario where clan B (owner of the two keeps) still is, while in the new scenario clan A doesn't own any keep. The only chance to get back that keep for keep owner is to reset the keep bringing him back under his clan ownership.

Enable total War status: Clicking this option enables total war status. Watch out, with total war status enabled you can be attacked by any clan with total war status enabled, even if not in your scenario, in war with your the alliance, or in war with your clan. Total War is a good option if you are a blood thirsty clan leader.

Disband Clan: This option is only visible when the leader is the only one remaining clan member. It allows you to disband the clan, so you use it wisely. You should kick all members before making this option visible, and it's the only way for a clan leader to leave the clan.





Last Updated (Saturday, 02 January 2010 15:07)